
Vorname Name : niev d.

Stadt : Fort Lauderdale

Land : Vereinigte Staaten

Anzahl Bewertungen : 1 Bewertungen

Hilfreiche Bewertungen : 1

Datum Anmeldung : 31 Januar 2017

Geschlecht : Weiblich

Lieblingsspiele : Spielautomaten

31/01/2017 - very bad payouts know winning

I have been coming to this place for years and the place has gotten so bad with the payouts it's way beyond measure I have lost so much money there and have not getting anything you can put $100 bill in the slot machine and it won't give you if you're playing Max but then you have people that are betting that will really not much there is no way to even put $20 in the machine and praying and there's a lot of machines used to pay you out and give you the place have way too many people complaining about the machines and they have lots of money X anybody when they want something is not as much as they lost getting their money back or close to it after people that surround honey money money money is a slot machine that everybody goes to and play in a lot of money goes into this machine and it does not pay off is a rip-off a complete Scandal they also have a lawsuit pending against him over charging the customers when they win a jackpot there are the same people winning every time they have a promotion and calling
