
Vorname Name : Joseph J.

Stadt : Chaffee

Land : Vereinigte Staaten

Anzahl Bewertungen : 1 Bewertungen

Hilfreiche Bewertungen : 0

Datum Anmeldung : 13 März 2023

Geschlecht : Männlich

Lieblingsspiele : n. a.

13/03/2023 - Has become a joke

Use to be able to come in relax and enjoy your time. Now that they are building a hotel, you can't do that. They're losing members to the point that they mailed members "$20 free play for you and $20 for a friend" to give to new members only. Neither offer was for existing members. That's $80 free play give away in a month, when existing members are lucky to receive $5-$10 a week. Also, not a single employee can answer anything about promotions. Everyone gives a different answer, to which none are correct. This place is a joke
